• High Octane Shooting

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High Octane: 5-Day Shooting Work

Click here for Workout PDF

High Octane Shooting

Why High Octane?

High Octane Shooting was created not only for advanced basketball players looking to take their game to new heights, but also for the beginner looking to find their way within the basketball world. Not only will High Octane shooting increase your shooting prowess but the confidence inyour shot making ability will skyrocket.

Weekly Guard Work

Weekly Guard Workout PDF


From the organized hooper to the streetballer, the only way to truly improve your game is by consistently working at your craft. With High Octane Shooting, you ahve what you need to accomplish that job. From Daily Workouts to 7-day series, to monthly workouts. You have access to tools that will give you consistent results and in turn improve your game significantly.